Membership Details

The MOPS membership community unites mamas all around the world and helps you become more confident in your mothering, relationships and identity. It will provide you with the tools you need to make this mothering season the most invigorating, redemptive and fun for you and your family. 

Join MOPS at St. Paul Lutheran Church for an annual fee of $80 (full upfront payment), or $90 (two payments of $45 due in October and January). This fee covers the MOPS International fee of $32. The remainder of the fee goes towards art and craft supplies, outside speakers and instructors, and curriculum materials.

Here’s what you get when you join our community:

ONE-OF-A-KIND COMMUNITY — MOPS and MOMSnext groups gather around the world to love each other like family. With childcare available, you have an opportunity to connect with moms, face to face, while your littles are safe and making friends too! Joining MOPS also helps moms around the globe. Support and connect with a sisterhood that spans worldwide in over 60 countries. 

MOPS MAGAZINE — coming to your front step four times a year, packed with encouragement, inspiration and faith. 

MOPS MEMBER SITE — You’ll receive FREE on-demand access to MOMcon Online, weekly Member videos, articles, discounts and more. Think of it as your go-to spot for mama wisdom and inspiration. It was built for moms just like you, and is packed with resources to help you successfully navigate motherhood.

WEEKLY MOMS EMAILS — experts share advice on things you care about most. They are short, sweet and insightful. 

TEXT MESSAGE PEP TALKS — just a quick message to let you know we’re rooting you on.

UP TO 30% SAVINGS ON COLLEGE TUITION — MOPS Members can receive a 10-30% tuition discount toward one of over 80 degree programs offered 100% online, thanks to a partnership between MOPS and Colorado Christian University’s College of Adult and Graduate Studies.

TIPS & TRICKS ON OUR Facebook & Instagram pages — Let us spice up your social media feeds.


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